ANEGIS awarded the title of Reliable Employer 2019

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The title of "Reliable Employer 2019" has been awarded to ANEGIS, a leader in IT solutions for enterprises. This award is given to companies that meet the highest standards in team management and HR policy on the Polish market.

What does this mean in practice? The companies which the jury awards the title of Reliable Employer stand out due to their attention to the work environment and excellent working conditions. Employees have a clearly defined career path and can count on help in personal development.

We are among the best employers in Poland – it is a great honour. This title confirms our belief that we have chosen the right direction in building a comfortable and safe workplace. Success would not have been possible without the team, whom we thank for their trust and commitment.

said Monika Markowska, HR Manager at ANEGIS

The verification of employers is based on criteria such as work conditions, timely payments, social conditions, employee development policy, external and internal opinions about the company, and recruitment dynamics. Particular attention is paid to the company's documentation regarding training, incentive programs and brand awareness as an employer. ANEGIS met the requirements of the selection board.

ANEGIS employees take part in training courses, develop professional competences, obtain certificates and take up new challenges. We also care about team integration, because we know that an open and friendly atmosphere in the office translates into fruitful cooperation in projects and a positive attitude in the workplace.

adds Monika Markowska

ANEGIS specialises in implementing digital transformation solutions for enterprises; integrating systems with applications; and optimising and automating business processes. ANEGIS implements projects in the areas of ERP, IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, as well as training and advising on the selection of technologies best suited to the business needs of clients. In 2018, ANEGIS won the Polish Innovation Award.

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