Azure services to support business decisions


Analysing data for deviations from patterns can be used to detect fraud, monitor the health of patients in hospitals or prevent machine failures on the production line. The Azure platform provides many tools for such data analysis. Anomaly Detector is one of them – we will talk about it during the webinar.

Detection of anomalies in a given time series is difficult to perform using traditional software. For this task, machine learning algorithms are effective – processing, analysis, and inference help to make the right decisions to avoid the occurrence of a problem or minimise the effect of an already existing one.

Azure Anomaly Detector, using the latest advances in machine learning, is a new tool that allows you to easily detect deviations in data series and thus quickly react to potential abuse or irregularities.

During the webinar, Krzysztof Nogieć, Azure solutions architect in the ANEGIS team, will introduce the Azure family of services using machine learning and AI for data processing and analysis, with a special focus on the Azure Anomaly Detector.

Participants in the webinar will find out:

  • Which Azure services use machine learning and AI algorithms for data analysis.
  • How Azure Anomaly Detector works and on which source data it operates.
  • How to use the Azure Anomaly Detector tool to support business decisions.
  • In which business scenarios Azure Anomaly Detector perfectly fits.
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Azure services to support business decisions

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Azure services to support business decisions

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