Get printable name – fieldId2PName function

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Today I will show you how to use fieldId2pname and where in the standard it is being used.

This function can comes in handy if you want to get from the code printable name of a given field in the table. Lets say you have a table with some fields and you want to get label that correspond to this field somewhere form the code.

To illustrate this I created new edts and a table, then I drag & drop them into the fields section.

Query table

In order to demonstrate functionality I additionally created also following printableName job

static void printableName(Args _args)


   print fieldId2pname(tableNum(Table1), fieldNum(Table1, FirstEdt));

   print fieldId2pname(tableNum(Table1), fieldNum(Table1, SecondEdt));



As we can see I am passing two arguments fieldId and tableId to the fieldId2pname, the outcome of this will be as follows:

Print Window.

One interesting place where this functions is being utilized in the standard is display method fieldName on EcoResProductDimensionGroupFldSetup table. fieldname is being called on EcoResProductDimensionGroup form grid to reveal the current names of the product dimensions, it is done this way to make modifications to the name of the product dimensions easier.

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