Classic Minesweeper mini-game for AX 2012

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As you might already know, there are a few minigames in Microsoft Dynamics AX to be found, like tutorial_Tetris and tutorial_Memory but there is no minesweeper and that is a shame.

I decided I need to fix that, so I created my own version. Algorithm used to uncover tiles when empty spot is reached is a simple brute force algorithm that starts from the tiles in nearest proximity, it is also a very good example of using recurrence in Dynamics AX. Inside you can also see how to create form from the code and it is also a good example of extending batch class.

In the game there are three levels easy, medium and hard. For beginners I suggest easy first.



Uncover all tiles without stumbling upon a bomb.


Left mouse click – uncovering tile, right mouse click – marking tile


If there is bomb next to a given tile the tile will be incremented by one, for example if you see tile with value 3, you can be sure that three bombs are ‘touching’ this tile.


Download the .xpo file available here, and import it to Dynamics AX (shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + I in AOT).

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