Data upgrade and code upgrade

Learn how to upgrade data and migrate code customisations to AX 2012 from earlier versions.

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This three-day instructor-led course covers both the data upgrade and the code customisation upgrades from AX 4.0 and AX 2009 to AX 2012. The course will cover the flow of the AX 2009 SP1 to AX 2012 RTM upgrade, and point out any differences for AX 4.0 SP2 during the course. Labs and demos will run on AX 2009 SP1 and AX 2012.


Module 1: Overview


  • Source-to-target framework
  • Preprocessing framework
  • Upgrade key features
  • Upgrade references

Module 2: Planning


  • Requirements for a successful upgrade
  • Data preparation
  • Upgrade readiness
  • Upgrade best practices
  • Configuration for performance
  • Project planning

Module 3: Code upgrade



  • Follow the code upgrade checklist to prepare code for upgrade

Module 4: Data upgrade


  • Data upgrade scripts
  • Install upgrade framework files
  • Source upgrade scripts
  • Target data upgrade scripts
  • Remove obsolete objects with configuration keys
  • Virtual company considerations
  • Write scripts
  • Changes in Dynamics AX that affect data upgrade
  • Adding checklist items
  • Debugging


  • Install the upgrade framework files
  • Write a source upgrade script

Module 5: Perform a data upgrade


  • Prepare the source
  • Preprocessing upgrade state transfer tool
  • Prepare the target
  • Data upgrade

Module 6: End to end


  • Overview
  • Planning
  • Code upgrade
  • Data upgrade
  • Perform a data upgrade

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