Development in AX 2012 – Level 300

Learn about development in AX 2012 – Level 300. Learn more advanced features of X++ and MorphX.

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This three-day instructor-led course puts the techniques learnt in Development I in AX 2012 and Development II in AX 2012 courses into practice directly in the application. It also introduces more advanced features of X++ and MorphX, and encourages the use of the Testing Framework to build for more reliable coding.


Module 1: X++ unit test framework


  • Introduction
  • Creating test cases
  • Adding methods to test cases
  • Running test cases
  • Build test projects and suites


  • Create a test case

Module 2: Working with data


  • Introduction
  • While select
  • Query
  • Caching
  • Locking
  • Temporary tables
  • InitFrom
  • Parmtables
  • Date effectiveness
  • Computed columns in views
  • Data integration


  • Fetching data
  • Converting queries
  • Reducing locking
  • Temporary tables
  • Integrating external data

Module 3: Classes


  • Introduction
  • Collection classes
  • Application object classes
  • Application substituted kernel classes
  • RunBase framework
  • Args object


  • Create a map
  • Create a query from code
  • Create a global method
  • Make a runBase class
  • Using args

Module 4: Forms


  • Introduction
  • Architecture
  • Data sources
  • Form controls
  • Form methods
  • Placement of code
  • Additional controls


  • Create a form
  • Use unbound controls
  • Initialise a form
  • Add a window control

Module 5: Visual Studio integration


  • Introduction
  • Application explorer
  • Visual Studio projects
  • Managed code projects
  • Deploying managed code
  • Visual Studio debugging experience for X++


  • Create a Managed code project
  • Create an event handler in managed code

Module 6: Workflow


  • Workflow configuration
  • Create a workflow category
  • Create a query
  • Create a workflow type
  • Enable workflow on a form
  • Create a workflow approval
  • Create event handlers
  • Author a workflow


  • Add another condition to the submit action
  • Enable resubmit

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