Intelligent data management framework

Learn about Intelligent data management frameworks, including installation, configuration, scheduling management and troubleshooting.

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This two-day instructor-led training (ILT) course provides a thorough look at Intelligent data management framework for AX 2012. The topics covered in the course include installation, configuration, scheduling management and troubleshooting.


Module 1: Introduction


  • Overview of data management
  • Intelligent data management framework
  • Concepts and terminology
  • Architecture
  • Planning for implementations

Module 2: Installation


  • Introduction
  • Prerequisites
  • Installation
  • Post-installation tasks
  • Uninstallation and troubleshooting


Module 3: Analysis


  • Introduction
  • Analysis dashboard
  • Analysis details
  • Managing indexes
  • System health
  • Performance

Module 4: Configuration


  • Overview
  • Master data and transactional data
  • Creating an archive object
  • Creating a purge object


  • Create an archive object
  • Create a purge object

Module 5: Scheduling and status management


  • Overview
  • Analysis snapshots
  • Health check
  • Synchronisation
  • Purging and archiving


  • Create a periodic system health check schedule
  • Archive production orders
  • Restore production orders

Module 6: Maintenance and administration


  • Configuration
  • Messages
  • Managing exceptions
  • Framework options
  • Application health check
  • Configuring master data tables
  • Database maintenance

Module 7: Troubleshooting


  • Troubleshoot installation issues
  • Troubleshoot IDMF application issues

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